

北海道産 雪化粧かぼちゃ 流氷南瓜 Hokkaido a sweet to taste 私の好きな食べ方 1、切って、少し塩もみ 2、柔らかくなるまで蒸します 3、本葛粉をまぶします 4、周りがカリッとなるように、オイルでサッと焦げ目をつけます。

Soba noodle 総本家更科堀井

I don't like eating out fried eggs.But this is different.Eat it all before it's getting cold!

dietary intake

四日市・萬古焼のambai 土鍋。 Donabe Let's heat brown rice 3nights.Brown rice has a lot of mineral.

lavender eco pot


whole food 一物全体 Life (animal,plants)has keeping its balance of ecosystem.

something in the water

something in the water photo:Kobe,Japan 明石海峡大橋There're something in the water that makes me love you like I do song: Brooke Fraser